Unpinning the Right Way: Deleting Saved Pins on Pinterest

Haseeb Ahmed
7 min readMay 14, 2023


You’re looking at your Pinterest board and you see that one — that saved pin you’d completely disregarded. You know the one: that outfit you saved a couple of months prior, the home remodel project you’ll presumably never do, or even the haircut you weren’t sufficiently bold to attempt.

We’ve all been there. In any case, can we just look at things objectively: our feeds are jumbled enough that without pins we don’t require any longer taking up valuable land. Presently, if by some stroke of good luck, there was a method for erasing those pins without losing our year of assortments!

Well, companions, set aside that dustpan and brush since here’s something you will be amped up for erasing saved pins from your Pinterest board! In this article, I will show you that it is so natural to tidy up your board and ensure that main the most pertinent substance is appearing in your feed. So the thing would we say we are sitting tight for? We should begin

Understanding Saved Pins and the Sticking System

With regard to Pinterest, understanding the sticking system is vital. More or less, when you see something you like and “pin” it, that pin is then saved to your profile. This permits you to return to it later or add it to a board with other related content.

Yet, over the long haul, you could wind up with an excessive number of pins-and that is while erasing them can become vital. Fortunately erasing saved pins themselves isn’t really convoluted. The mystery lies in understanding how the sticking system deals with Pinterest so you can have absolute command over what pins get saved and what gets erased.

The initial step is understanding that when you click the “Save” symbol and Pin something, three things occur: the pin gets added to your profile page, gets added to any of your sheets where conceivable, and turns out to be important for an action feed so that every one of your devotees might be able to see. To erase a saved pin, each of the three stages needs to happen physically you need to eliminate it from your profile page and from any sheets where it was put away, as well as from your activity feed whenever wanted.

Step-by-step instructions to Erase a Singular Pin

It’s one thing to save a pin, however something totally different with regards to really tidying up your Pinterest board. In the event that you’re prepared to erase a solitary pin, you can do as such with a couple of basic advances.

In the first place, Go to your profile page and find the board with your desired pin to erase. When there, click on the three-spot symbol close to the pin, which will raise choices of what you can do — including erasing your pin. Assuming you select “erase” and affirm it by clicking “yes”, it will eliminate the saved pin from your board.

One more method for erasing chosen pins is from inside Pinterest’s versatile application by tapping on the three-dab symbol at the lower part of every individual post and choosing “Erase”. This will possibly erase each post in turn so in the event that you really want to dispose of a few posts rapidly — this isn’t the fastest way!

At long last, when you imagine that you have effectively erased all undesirable pins from your board make certain to have a last check through it as some might have been repinned or preferred by others — making them actually show up in your rundown of Activities in spite of them being taken out without help from anyone else at first!

Instructions to Erase Numerous Pins On the double

Assuming that you’ve at any point considered how to erase different pins on the double, the response is straightforward: you can’t — not in the versatile application and not on the work area web variant!

In any case, it is feasible to erase various pins from a load up in the event that you’re willing to do it each pin in turn. To do this, just go to your board, select the pencil symbol close to each stick you might want to erase, and click the garbage bin symbol that seems when you float over each pin. This will erase the chose sticks individually.

In the event that you need a faster method for erasing your saved pins on Pinterest, have a go at utilizing an outsider application or expansion. These instruments are planned explicitly for erasing different pins immediately, and they offer more speed and comfort than erasing each separately. Also, the greater part of them accompanies extra elements like mass-unfollowing or mass-altering highlights. However, ensure anything that device you pick is from a respectable source — you need nothing that could think twice about account security!

Methods for Finding and Erasing Old Pins

Erasing your old pins on Pinterest is simple when you know how to make it happen. Here are a few hints to assist you with sorting out some way to erase saved pins:

Methods for Finding and Erasing Old Pins

Methods for Finding and Erasing Old Pins

Sort by Date

At the point when you look for a subject, click on the tab at the highest point of the page and sort by date. This will guarantee you are seeing the most established sticks first. When you distinguish an obsolete pin, you can without much of a stretch erase it.

Track down Old Things Without any problem

Pinterest makes it simple to track down old things to erase with their “Your Inventory” highlight. This component gathers every one of the Pins from your record into one spot, so you can rapidly look over what should be erased.

Use Search Channels

You can limit your inquiry rapidly and effectively by using search channels like “Late Pins” or “Board Name”. Both of these choices permit you to figure out satisfied rapidly and view what needs as eliminated quickly.

Use Catchphrases

One more extraordinary method for finding old pins is to utilize watchwords connected with the substance that necessities erasing — this makes it simpler for Pinterest’s calculation to find these things for yourself and save time over the long haul.

Having fast admittance to your saved pins as a whole and erasing obsolete ones depending on the situation is important on the off chance that you need your Pinterest page to turn new and upward to date. Using these tips can help ensure yours is in top shape!

Resetting Your Saved Pins Page

To truly begin new with your saved pins, you can reset your saved pins page. This is particularly valuable assuming you’ve been involved with Pinterest for quite a while, and have endless pages of pins that never again fill a need.

Resetting your saved pins page is simple — how it’s done:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab on the upper right corner of the page, and snap on “Reset Your Saved Pins Page”.
  2. Affirm that you wish to erase all your saved pins, by tapping the “Reset my stuck things” button.
  3. You’ll get an affirmation window expressing that your saved pins have been all cleaned off

By erasing all your stuck things in one go, you get a pleasant fresh start to begin sticking pictures and content that is more pertinent to you at the present time. Recall that resetting your page erases everything, so ensure terrifically significant data has been saved somewhere else prior to doing as such!

Dealing with Your Pinterest Warnings Shrewdly

With regards to erasing saved pins, it’s vital to. This will assist you with keeping steady over the most recent patterns in your industry and monitor who’s saved a pin from your Pinterest profile.

This is the way to do both:

Set up warnings for every one of the sheets you follow — along these lines, if somebody saves a pin from one of your sheets, you can get notices about it and erase those pins if necessary.

Unfasten any pins that don’t coordinate with what you believe potential devotees should see when they visit your profile — it’ll ensure that everybody sees a flawless and coordinated variant of your profile, rather than making the most of the spot because of saved pins.

Focus on pins that come from different profiles since they can mess up your profile rapidly. On the off chance that you could do without them, erase them immediately so they don’t occupy room on your sheets and keep your profile looking clean.

Dealing with your Pinterest notices astutely is a proficient approach to keeping everything flawless, and coordinated and ensuring that individuals visiting your profile are seeing the best portrayal of what you bring to the table.

Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional with regards to utilizing Pinterest, unfastening is a significant piece of utilizing the stage. With the assistance of this aide, you ought to now know all that you really want to about how to erase a pin that you have saved.

Since it has become so undeniably obvious how to erase stuck things, you can ensure your sheets are perfect and clean, without forfeiting any of your substance. Keeping your sheets coordinated and mess-free is fundamental for capitalizing on your Pinterest experience — assisting you with finding what you’re searching for easily. So whenever you’re feeling overpowered by the number of pins you have saved, take a couple of seconds and give your sheets a clean-up!



Haseeb Ahmed

Hello! I'm a Freelance writer that passionate about Content Writing. I run my personal website in the personal finance niche. Stay Tuned For Amazing Content.